Equip your team with training and resources from mental health experts.

So much has changed in the last two years. All of us have faced big challenges - and as we process all that is happening in ourselves and our society, the need for good advice and support from trained professionals is clear.

  • Understanding stress across developmental stages

  • Navigating the unique challenges Generation Z faces

  • Healthy techniques and boundaries while helping others

  • Processing past hurt/grief/pain

  • Good mental health and self-care to avoid burnout

  • Understanding and applying forgiveness

Rally Point Workshops Equip Your Audience with advice on topics like:

For Staff Teams

As we exit a pandemic and adjust to the new challenges of the workplace, there is a lot to figure out. Burnout and social anxiety is higher than ever - and learning to navigate complicated emotions and relationships in this new season is more important than ever.

Volunteer teams working with hurting people need to be equipped with a special kind of support. Navigating the challenges of generational overlap and topics related to grief is challenging - so making sure your team has the right tools and training is critical.

For Volunteers

For Parents

For the parents in your audience - this is a season full of change. Navigating relationships post-pandemic presents challenges no one has faced before, and getting equipped with the right tools and training to care well for students and young adults is vital.

Host a Rally Point Workshop

Fill out the form below and a member of our team will reach and create a workshop plan with you.