Welcome to Rally Point!

If you’re on this page - that means your current therapist has joined our practice and has invited you to continue therapy here. We’re glad to have you - and we hope your experience at Rally Point is excellent.

To start seeing your existing therapist at Rally Point, there are three main things we need to figure out together;

  1. Your basic details (who is being seen for therapy, contact information, times you are usually seen)

  2. Billing information (If you’re covered by insurance or your custom rate if you’re paying out of pocket)

  3. Paperwork (New practice paperwork, and your permission to move documents related to your case from your therapist’s former practice)

Below, we have a quick form that will guide you through a few questions and help us get that information from you. If you have questions at any point, you can feel free to contact us by phone/text and someone from our team will help.