Welcome to Rally Point!

New Staff Onboarding

This page will help get you setup with everything you need to get started.

As you scroll down, you’ll be guided through some of the steps you’ll need to take to get set up as a new staff member. If you have questions along the way, you can come back to it at any time.

The sections below will walk you through some of the systems Rally Point uses, tips about working with our team, and checklists to complete during your first day and first week on-staff.

We’re so excited that you’ve joined our team - and we can’t wait to work together.

Your First Day

Your first day is all about helping you feel familiar and comfortable with “how things work” at Rally Point, and getting you setup in our systems so that you can start working with the team effectively.

Some sections below have information, and some have a checklist of items for you to complete. As you work through each one, feel free to write down questions you have - you can bring those up with your supervisor or the onboarding team.

What You’ll Cover:

Rally Point Systems

The Rally Point Staff Portal

Company Policy & Procedure

Setting Up Google Workspace

Odds & Ends to Consider

Rally Point Systems

Here’s a quick overview of some systems that the Rally Point team uses every day. These will be a core part of your role here, so understanding what they are and why they matter as a part of our team is critical. You’ll be guided through getting setup within these systems at different points during your first week.


Gusto is the tool Rally Point uses to manage everything related to your employment. Hiring, time tracking, pay, personal information, and performance reviews are all managed through this platform. During your onboarding, you will have already setup a login using your personal email for Gusto - and your new Google Workspace login will also give you access to the same account.

You can login anytime at gusto.com, and there is an accompanying app called “Gusto Wallet” we recommend you download that helps you track time and manage pay schedules.

Google Workspace

Google Workspace is a single login point for multiple tools you’ll use every day. Gmail, Calendar, and Google Voice are the main three tools we use, but our team also frequently collaborates in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

You’ll be guided through setting up your Google Workspace account later on during your first day.

Google offers several accompanying apps that we recommend you download for the best experience. The Gmail app, Google Calendar, and Google Voice are all apps you might use regularly.


Simple Practice is the platform our clinical team uses to manage every part of our relationships with clients. Case notes, billing, diagnosis plans, insurance, scheduling, and supervision are all items managed inside this tool.

You’ll be given a login and guided through using SimplePractice before you start seeing clients.

Simple Practice offers an accompanying app for clinicians we recommend you download that allows you to manage schedules, secure messaging with clients, and notes more easily.

The Rally Point Staff Portal

We’ve created an online portal for all staff members at Rally Point that helps you access information you might use as you work with our team. This portal is the easiest way to find shortcuts to things like our staff policy and procedure, and resources we’ve created.

You can access this portal at any time by scrolling to the footer of the Rally Point site and clicking “Staff Portal”.

The password for this page is “staffonly” (all smalls).

Setting up Your Google Workspace Account:

Rally Point uses Google Workspace for a number of key communication tools, including email, shared calendars, and a digital phone line clinicians use to communicate with clients.

You should have received a login invitation sent to your personal email prior to onboarding day - but if you can’t find it, feel free to ask our team for a temporary password. Use the checklist on the right to get started.

Workspace Setup Checklist:

Company Policy & Procedure

It’s critical that as a new staff member, you take time to review our Company Policy and Procedure document - located in the staff portal. It’s important to note which policies affect your day-to-day role - especially if you are a therapist.

From time to time, Rally Point will implement new policies, or change existing policies to better match our company. When this happens, we’ll let you know, but it’s still good practice to review the document from time to time throughout your employment.

Take some time to work through this checklist before moving on.

Policy & Proceedure Checklist:

Your First Week

Your first week is all about making sure you feel supported and making sure you have completed the necessary steps to start seeing clients.

In the sections below, you’ll find a lot of small things we’ll need to check off that will help you have a great experience as a staff member at Rally Point.

What You’ll Cover:

Final Staff Setup Items

Getting Started in Simple Practice

Headshot & Public Profile Listings

Getting Cleared to see Clients

Final Staff Setup Items

Now that the first-day is over, there are some additional tasks you’ll need to complete within your first week to make sure you are setup to engage with our team and communicate well.

As you continue on with Rally Point, you’ll have multiple points during which your supervisor will check-in about how things are going.

Staff Setup Checklist:

Getting Started in Simple Practice

Using SimplePractice is a critical part of every day work at Rally Point. You should have received a login during your onboarding day, but there are still some simple items we’ll need to help you start seeing clients.

Use the checklist on the right to help get you setup, and if you have any questions, reach out to your Direct Supervisor at any time.

SimplePractice Setup Checklist:

Your Headshot & Public Profiles

Part of creating an excellent experience for every client is helping them to feel comfortable at every point in our process. That begins with warm connection points and a public presence that speaks to their needs. We’ll help you create public profiles on our website and Psychology today that stand out and help clients feel welcome.

Marketing Checklist:

Getting Cleared to See Clients

Before you can start seeing clients, there’s a short list of things we’ll need to finalize. If you’re a clinical intern - some of these items may not apply to you, and you can talk with your supervisor about how to proceed.

The goal for our company is to have you setup to see clients within the first week, so let us know if there are ways we can help you move forward more quickly with any piece along the way.

Compliance Checklist: